Ordering and Shipping

How do I place an order?

You can place an order by adding your desired products to the cart and proceeding to checkout, where you'll provide your shipping details and payment information.

Can I change or cancel my order after placing it?

You can change or cancel your order within 24 hours of placing it. Once it has been shipped, we cannot cancel an order. Please contact our customer service team immediately to assist you.

How long does shipping take?

Shipping times vary based on your location. Typically, orders are delivered within 3-10 business days. Please refer to our shipping guide for more detailed information.

Do you offer international shipping?

Currently, we only ship within Australia. We're looking to expand our shipping options in the future.

Returns and Exchanges

What is your return policy?

We accept returns within 30 days of purchase if the product is in its original condition. Please review our return policy on our website for more details.

How do I return an item?

To return an item, please contact our customer service for a return authorization and instructions on how to send your item back to us.

How long does it take to process a refund?

Refunds are processed within 5-7 business days after we receive the returned item. The refund will be issued to the original payment method.

Product Information

How can I find more information about a product?

Product details, including specifications, images, and reviews, are available on each product page. If you need more information, please contact our customer support.

What should I do if I receive a faulty or damaged product?

If you receive a faulty or damaged product, please contact us within 48 hours of receiving your order to arrange for a replacement or refund.

Account and Privacy

Do I need an account to place an order?

No, you can place an order as a guest. However, creating an account allows you to track your order and simplifies future purchases.

How do you protect my personal information?

We take your privacy seriously and implement a range of security measures to protect your personal information. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more details.


How can I contact customer service?

You can contact our customer service team via email, phone, or our website's contact form. Our contact details are available on our "Contact Us" page.

What are your customer service hours?

Our customer service team is available from 9 am to 5 pm AEST, Monday to Friday. or 24/7 via our chat bot.

Where can I provide feedback about your products or services?

We welcome your feedback! Please send us your comments or suggestions via our contact form, email, or by leaving a product review on our website.